Peripheral Neuropathy
Are you experiencing numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, weakness in the arms legs, hands, and feet, balance and stability problems, and/or burning or stabbing pain? You may have damage to the peripheral nerves.
The body is made up of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system which are all the other nerves in the body. The peripheral nervous system sends and receives information (electrical impulses) from and to your central nervous system in order for the body to function much like the wiring system in your car. The wires take information from the car battery to the car radio.
Damage to the peripheral nerves frequently results in numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, weakness in the arms legs, hands, and feet, balance and stability problems, and/or burning or stabbing pain in any of the previous areas as well. Damage to these nerves can also result in problems to other parts of the body as well. Spinal degeneration, herniations, stenosis, Infections, trauma, metabolic problems, chemotherapy and chemicals, medications, alcohol, toxins, and diabetes can all result in peripheral neuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy Signs and Symptoms
- Numbness, prickle-like or tingling sensations in arms, legs, hands, or feet, sharp, jabbing, burning, or freezing pain, throbbing pain and tight-band-like squeezing sensations around hands or feet, decreased coordination, poor balance control, falls and severe sensitivity to touch are results from sensory nerves damage. Regarding falls, the number one cause of death in the elderly is due to head injuries from falls. If the motor nerves are affected, muscle weakness or paralysis can be present.
- Altered sweating or heat intolerance, digestive, bowel, or bladder problems, dizziness, or changes in blood pressure are all signs of the autonomic nerves being affected.
Each nerve in the peripheral nervous system has a specific function therefore, symptoms are dependent on the types of nerves that are affected. Nerves that receive temperature, vibration, touch, and pain from the skin are known as Sensory nerves. Nerves that control muscle movement are known as Motor nerves. Nerves that control functions like blood pressure, bladder, bowels, and heart rate are known as Autonomic nerves.
When one nerve is affected it is referred to as mononeuropathy. When many nerves are involved it is referred to as polyneuropathy. The most common kind of neuropathy is polyneuropathy. An example of mononeuropathy would be carpal tunnel syndrome.
Nerves can and do heal, but only if the environment is conducive to that healing process. Just as a plant will die without light, oxygen, water, nutrients, and the right air temperature the nerves will die just the same when its environment has been disrupted. The good news is that most of the time if the plant is not dead and we were to reintroduce light, oxygen, water, and nutrients the plant is likely to come back to health. So can the nerve.
The most common cause of peripheral neuropathy is due to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) from ischemia (blocked blood vessels). Inflammation is a common factor in the ability or inability of the nerves to heal.

Exclusive Nerve & Disc Centers® Treatment
Exclusive Nerve & Disc Centers® offer cutting-edge and state-of-the-art technology and treatment to not only help with the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy but actually focused on supporting the healing of the nerves that have been compromised.
Our program helps to restore the environment that is essential for the healing process to take place. One of the other aspects of peripheral neuropathy is the presence of chronic inflammation. Inflammation must be brought under control or the nerves will have a tough time healing. Just like you can’t build a house while it's on fire, the nerves can’t heal in the presence of chronic inflammation.
Our programs are created to increase oxygen delivery to the nerves. Stimulate the nervous system with specific frequencies that promote neuroplasticity and nerve healing. Decompress discs if spinal degeneration or discogenic injuries are determined to be a factor. Non-surgical Spinal Decompression is the most effective to help re-establish the normal pumping mechanism that is essential for the disc to heal and become rehydrated.
All or some of the following may be in your recommended treatment program set forth by the practitioner during your consultation depending on history, examination, MRI/X-ray/CT, and individual condition: Non-surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy, Class III / Class IV Laser Therapy, Electro-Medicine, Advanced Rehabilitation, Spinal Manipulation, Nutritional Recommendations, Comprehensive Nutritional Protocol, Home Treatments which may or may not include Neurostimulation and LLLT (low level light therapy) just to name a few.
Recovery for Peripheral Neuropathy
There is generally no downtime or recovery period while being treated. In fact, most patients find the treatments quite relaxing. The overall treatment sessions can last from 45 to 60 minutes. Patients should stay well hydrated and practice good nutrition during this process and after for the best healing.