Are you struggling with the surplus of sugar in your blood?
If so, this can lead to a litany of serious health issues. Glucose powers the cells that form tissue and muscles and if this function isn't working well, the brain will begin to break down and degenerate.
Diabetes deals with a cluster of ailments that influences how the body manipulates the use of blood sugar which is in the form of glucose. Glucose is the brain's primary fuel supply and the essential energy which powers the cells that form tissue and muscles. The brain needs glucose every 3-4 hours or the brain will begin to break down and degenerate.
There are two main types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. Regardless of the type, the end result is a surplus of sugar in the blood. This particular excess leads to a litany of serious and potentially deadly health issues.
Prediabetes is a term used to classify a higher than normal blood sugar but not elevated to the point that classifies it as diabetes. May individuals have been able to reverse prediabetes with lifestyle changes. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy and usually resolves itself after the baby is born. There is substantial evidence that suggests type 2 diabetes can be reversed as it is often linked to lifestyle.

Symptoms of Diabetes
Some of the more common symptoms associated with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are irritability, blurred vision, frequent urination, and the existence of ketones in the urine (the byproduct of muscle and fat disintegration are ketones). excessive thirst, excessive hunger, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, slow healing wounds, and frequent infections in the skin, gums, and vagina.
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes can occur at any age, however, type 2 diabetes usually accompanies people older than 40, and type 1 often appears during childhood or adolescence.
When Should You See a Doctor?
If you have already been diagnosed with diabetes you should be monitored by a physician.
If you suspect your child or a loved one has any of the symptoms above you should contact your provider for an evaluation.